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Guide to Summer Property Maintenance

Guide to Summer Property Maintenance

As Orange County temperatures rise during the summer months, it's an excellent time to make sure your property is properly maintained and in overall good condition. Not only does proper maintenance help keep tenants comfortable, but it also protects the long-term value of your investment. Here are some summer property maintenance tips to beat the heat and keep your rental properties in top condition:

HVAC System Maintenance: 

  • With summer comes increased usage of air conditioning systems. Schedule regular maintenance for HVAC systems to ensure they are operating efficiently. Clean or replace air filters, check for leaks, and inspect ductwork to optimize performance and reduce energy costs.

Outdoor Spaces: 

  • Summer is the perfect time for tenants to enjoy outdoor spaces such as patios, balconies, and gardens. Ensure these areas are clean, well-maintained, and free from any safety hazards. Trim bushes and trees, power wash surfaces, and inspect outdoor furniture for signs of wear and tear.

Pool Maintenance:

  •  If your rental property has a pool, proper maintenance is essential during the summer months. Keep the pool clean and properly balanced with chemicals to prevent algae growth and maintain water clarity. Inspect pool equipment such as pumps, filters, and heaters for any issues.

Window and Door Maintenance:

  • Check windows and doors for proper sealing to prevent hot air from entering and cool air from escaping. Replace worn weather stripping and caulking as needed to improve energy efficiency and reduce utility costs.


  • Summer landscaping involves more than just mowing the lawn. Consider planting drought-resistant plants and installing irrigation systems to conserve water. Remove weeds, trim hedges, and mulch flower beds to enhance curb appeal and create a welcoming environment for tenants.

Pest Control: 

  • Warmer temperatures can attract pests such as ants, mosquitoes, and rodents. Take proactive measures to prevent pest infestations by sealing entry points, removing standing water, and scheduling routine pest control treatments.

Safety Checks: 

  • Conduct safety checks both indoors and outdoors to ensure that your property is hazard-free. Inspect outdoor lighting, handrails, and staircases for any damage or defects. Test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order.

By implementing these summer property maintenance tips, you can ensure that your rental properties remain comfortable, safe, and attractive throughout the summer season. Investing time and effort into maintenance now can pay off in the form of satisfied tenants and preserve property value in the long run.

 For more guidance and an excellent list of contacts to get these jobs done, reach out today! 
